Question: Why Does the Liberal Media Hate America?

I have a serious question for you. Why do the liberal mainstream media (and many Democrats) continually denigrate America, especially now when they control all three branches of government? This is a puzzling question for me, and I would welcome your feedback.

Let me put this question in perspective. To do so, let’s step back to Donald Trump’s presidency. The mainstream media hated Trump – even more than they hated Ronald Reagan. No matter what good things President Trump accomplished, he got zero credit.

The media painted him as a buffoon regardless of what he did. America was going to hell, in their opinion, and it was all Trump’s fault. I get that – they hated him and wanted to tear him down! Even though he is out of office, they continue to bash Trump at every opportunity out of fear he will run for President again in 2024.

Yet now the tables are completely turned. The Democrats ran the table in 2020 and now have control of the White House and both branches of Congress. They are in complete control.

Despite that, the media and many Democrats continue to bash America. They seem to hate everything – from our illegitimate founding they claim, to our sorry economy in their view (even though it’s booming), to our despicable wealth/income gap, to the fact they believe America is in no way a historic success story, despite undisputable evidence to the contrary.

In fact, we should all be ashamed of our history, they continue to tell us.

So, here’s my question in a nutshell: Why do the liberals, including many Democrats, continue to bash America when they have complete control? I would think with them totally in charge they would be telling Americans how great things are. Wouldn’t you? But they don’t!

I believe there are two main reasons for this. First, as noted above, the liberal media hates America and all we stand for – even though polls show the vast majority of Americans feel otherwise. The second and perhaps more important reason, in my opinion, is the fact that continually denigrating America gives the media the opportunity to blame Republicans for everything they see wrong with our country.

You see, if they were to admit that America is a great nation, that the economy is booming, that job creation is soaring and wages are rising at the fastest pace in decades, etc., etc., they wouldn’t have anything to blame the Republicans for.

Yet in the big picture, this just doesn’t make any sense. You ran the table in 2020, and now you control everything in Washington. The economy is booming. America is the strongest country in the world by just about every economic and financial measurement. Optimism about the future is soaring. Patriotism is on a roll.

Why not tell your constituents how good things are?

What’s there to continue bashing America about? Politics 101 would tell you this is the time to be pumping up your constituents. Why not tell them things in America are so good today – precisely because you are in power and encouraging them to keep it that way?

But that is NOT what the liberals are doing. They continually paint the economy as horrible, despite one of the strongest recoveries in history. Racism is the worst it’s ever been, according to them, even though slavery ended over 150 years ago in this country – and most Americans try really hard not to be seen as racist. Plus, we should be ashamed of the income gap between rich and poor, which is an entirely different discussion for another time.

Again, I just don’t get it. I’ve thought about this quite a lot since President Biden took office. In my mind, the liberals are playing this all wrong. They should instead be telling people how good things are and taking full credit for it. I’m not here to give them advice, mind you, but it seems like a no-brainer to me.

So, that leaves us with the question: Why do they continue to bash America when they are in total power and things are going so well? Gosh, I don’t want to say this, but I can’t think of another possible explanation:

Maybe the liberals hate America and Republicans so much that they
can’t help themselves – even if it risks their chances to stay in power.

There, I said it. I hope I’m not correct, but I think I could well be.

In any event, it just doesn’t make sense. The liberals have to know their ultimate goal is to stay in power. To that end, they should be willing to do whatever it takes to stay in control – including hiding their true disdain for America.

Poll after poll tells them the vast majority of Americans disagree with this line of thinking. Most Americans are patriotic and love this country. So, why do the liberals continue to bash America? Do they really do it just because they feel they have to continually blame the Republicans for everything? Maybe so.

Your thoughts? I would love to hear them!


26 Responses to Question: Why Does the Liberal Media Hate America?

  1. Where are you getting your information from? I see none of the things you are describing.

  2. comment right there is part of the answer – Thomas Sowell has been prescient in his books.

  3. By keeping people afraid (of racism, the virus, climate change, other liberal pet issues), and telling us they have the solution, they hope to continue fooling enough people to cement their power. Unfortunately, many of the liberals believe they are truly smarter and better (NYT comment about the sophisticated attendees at Obama’s birthday bash as one example) than the rest of us and that we should submit to their superior wisdom.

  4. Trump did a couple of needed things. We finally acknowledged that the CCP isn’t our friend.
    Maybe the southern border needed tightening.
    Was nearly blowing NATO apart (he was planning to finish it in 2nd term) a good idea. VVP would love it! Needlessly antagonizing the other 5 Eyes?
    Mocking masks; minimizing Covid; ignoring/denying truth(“science”) at every opportunity (climate change)?
    But it all pales compared to the attempted autogolpe culminating in the events of 6 January. Sedition; combined with the hold Putin has on him (viz. Helsinki and other “very private conversations), actual treason.
    Capital crimes, I think.

    • Jan 6 is being blown way out of proportion. This is another way to divide out country. The people who went into the capital should not have gone in but they have done nothing compared to Antifa and BLM.

      • Calling it an autogolpe attempt is blowing it out of proportion?
        What have you been smoking? Or maybe a better analogy for the prevailing demographics here, which flavor Koolaid are you drinking?
        I must share that a ~50yo “healthy” friend of my ex son-in-law died of Covid today, leaving a widow and 2 children. Because he drank the current flavor of Koolaid and didn’t get vaccinated. My daughter and her ex, despite contrary convictions, are devastated.
        Ignore reality at our peril. Our cherished representative democratic republic is more fragile than we thought, after observing January 6 and the seeming ability of so many to swallow lies.

  5. “Liberal media”. Your definition of the term is any media organization that hates Trump.
    There’s exactly one legitimate media organization (you know, real truth seeking journalists with decent education and experience) that likes Trump: Fox. And most of the “liking” isn’t from the news people/journalists. It’s the ratings obsessed talking heads (Carlson, Hannity etc) who don’t even pretend to report a simulacrum of the truth, but just spout off whatever they will titillate the audience.
    The other organizations (Newsmax, OANN) are entertaining the audience, they don’t care in the least about objective reality.

  6. The liberal media and democrats want to change America to be a socialist society. This change purportedly will keep them in power. To effectuate that change, the media and democrats cannot acknowledge anything good about the capitalist side of America. It’s all bad. Only when America embraces socialism, then America will be “ok”.

    Any student of history will tell you that socialism is not sustainable. It will always lead to communism and an oligarchy government.

    • I agree with you Paul. The democrats want to undermine America. America is too strong. Something I do not understand is what do democrats think when America is weak? What is China going to do? Do they think they will be in charge when China takes over?

      The democrats are doing a good job of tearing down America. They are dividing us. They have the borders open. They are making us the laughing stock with what’s going on overseas.

      I am very scared and very sad.

  7. Virtually every democratic advanced country except for ours has a national healthcare system. Most have subsidized higher education, subsidized pre-kindergarten. Most, admittedly not all, are much further than us weaning off fossil fuels (buried carbon that’s buried for good reasons).
    And yet, have ANY of these advanced countries (western Europe, Japan, Scandinavia, the other 5 Eyes) gone Communist in the last 76 years?
    One last thing: as a practicing MD I raked my brain for a good reason why certain “conservatives” (I have held anarchist/libertarian/conservative ideas for decades) hate Obamacare so violently. Is it the name? No; I think it’s the 3.8% investment income surtax on >$200k investment income!! Of all the petty, selfish, venal reasons….

    • We do have socialized medicine now. You as a medical doctor must see all the rules and regulations you have to comply with imposed by the federal government. You cannot take a patients pulse without the government telling you how to do it.

      Why do people who have the means come to America to have procedures done? It used to be because we were the best. Not anymore because of federal government interference.

      • It’s not the government regs that are the main problem. It’s the hydra-headed insurance/for-profit complex of hospitals, Big Pharma etc. that’s a far worse impediment to good health care. Although I admit Big Pharma comes through once in a while, they then waste resources making grossly overpriced copycat drugs. As far as I can tell in 40+ years of practice, insurance companies and for profit hospitals suck several % points of the GDP for no benefit.

  8. About 15 years ago I came into the aware ness of the ‘elites” plan for global control thru oligarchic rule. They have succeeded. We have had the administrative state ie deep state imbedded over the decades. They needed to create fear a marxist plan to change how we Americans live and behave. America was the country and ideology targeted for destruction. Can’t rule people who believe in freedom for the individual so over time don’t teach about our founding and better demonize it. All the institutes of higher learning have been turned into latest training camps…away from freedom and the empowering the individual. Look into the World Economic Forum WEF/UN sustainability projects(Agenda 21…30 etc) Long range plans to take over every aspect of our lives via economic control Get people on board by scare tactics over climate/health and they give up their sovereignty . Their plan is coming true. WEF leader Klaus Scwab has a book or two about it They have been masterful in their patient gathering of control. Media is key…control the narrative to control the people.

    • And those “people” are reptilian humanoids mixing their DNA into humans, right?. And by the way, I know a good pizza place in DC.

      • Ha!….They actually do look a bit reptilian to me! Don’t discount this…many sound minds are discussing this take over to “fundamentally transform America”. Woodrow Wilson laid much ground work for the administrative deep state. This dark side against individual freedom, private property etc has been patiently creating the centrally planned society. Carol Roth discusses the War against Small Business. Trevor Louden on the marxist revolution in this country. The media is owned literally by the left, trace the $. Soros/Gates etc all very bad people laying in The Great Reset…they cloak it in such friendly terms and schools have not taught what America is about for decades so the tide has been turning. Look at the glossy videos and documents from the WEF…it’s as clear as day to me. They needed a reason to take out the middle class and economically decrease our prowess hence a Plandemic with planned mass vaccination (GAVI)…population control… I know on the surface this sounds fantastical….but I believe it’s in the works….ESG scores/vaccine passports..listen to Naomi Wolff plus anyone else they try to silence ..they don’t want these people heard for a reason. Take care All…

    • It is something that has been going on for a very long time. I give the elites credit. They are doing a good job of tearing America down. I still don’t know their game plan when China takes us over.

  9. The liberal media, which is most all of it, is helping the Democrats destroy our country by not providing objective journalism, and instead promoting the DNC narratives. Look at the dishonest coverage or lack of coverage on phony Russian collusion, Joe Biden’s cognitive state, Hunter Biden’s crimes, Covid CDC confusion, climate change as a pretext for dismantling Capitalism, the border crisis, Antifa and BLM riots are peaceful, election irregularities are ok in Democrat run cities, biological boys can be girls?, CRT will promote unity and fairness?- just to name a few.

    Name one area of public policy where the Democrats ideas are better? Open borders, run by cartels, drugs, chaos, covid?, energy dependence?, defund the police? decriminalization of looting? election chaos instead of integrity with voter ID? moratoriums on rent vs property rights? opposition to school choice? The next area of destruction could be Medicaid for all. The playbook was all in Bernie’s Unity Platform in the summer of 2020. Not sure if it originated in Davos, China or a DNC think tank. We as a country voted for it, in part due to a Trump hatred from the liberal media. One thing I don’t get is how they claim the name “progressives”. Or “justice democrats”? Their actions contradict that name. A more accurate name would be the “destructives”. We voted in this sophisticated elite ruling class, enabled by the liberal MSM. Hope it is not too late for us to wake up as a country.

    • Thanks Chris. Very well said. Except I really do not think the democrats are in office because we elected them. I believe they have been cheating for a long time. It’s just more noticeable this time because they had to come up with so many more so called votes to show Biden won. Trump got so many votes.

      I’m sad to see people on this post who do not seem to see the harm that is going on by the democrats.

  10. LL, my “reptilian humanoid” reference was an allusion to a QAnon adherent surfing instructor in Santa Barbara taking his 2 kids across the border to Rosarito area (2yo and 10mo) and killing them with a spear gun, because he felt that they had Serpent DNA from their mother.
    Obviously conspiracy theories with an absence of evidence have real consequences, if we didn’t know that already on 6 January.

    • Are you a doctor? I’m not a doctor. If what you say is correct then this person who killed his children is mentally ill. It’s not the Q movement.

      • Yes I am a MD. It does appear likely that the guy is paranoid schizophrenic. They often get religious delusions. Of course the majority of prophets and other spokesmen of God, for the last 3 millenia, would now be diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenia.
        QAnon appeals to people like that because it’s a nice somewhat organized delusional system; never mind that it has nothing to do with objective reality, which breaks down only at the quantum level.
        Just a new cult competing with the 3 old Abrahamic ones
        “Cult du jour”..

  11. Bernie’s “Medicare for all” is really Medicaid for all. My Medicare Advantage plan would go away. Who in their right mind would trust our government to competently and economically run more of our healthcare system? Is the VA a shining example of excellence and government competence? Medicare’s own studies show that Medicare Advantage private insurance plans deliver better outcomes at lower cost vs traditional Medicare. Any time you make a service “free” it will be misused and wasted. A litmus test should be how many of our political leaders sign up for the same plan they will be advocating. If it goes like Obamacare, they will get special benefits and exemptions, because they are the sophisticated elite ruling class.

  12. I think it may be as simple as they genuinely, sincerely hate America. In that regard, the media is not a partisan organization. Their hatred doesn’t end just because democrats are in control of gov’t. I think they believe America has an unforgivable, irredeemable history and the only acceptable outcome of that history must be the dissolution and discontinuation of the country. I think they view the history as a crime so heinous that the only acceptable punishment is the death penalty. The world is only a better place when the US no longer exists. But that can only happen if significant portion of the country feels the same way. Hence, the constant, incessant, critical coverage.

    • If people hate America so much I wish they would move to another country that they approve of. I’m sure there is no other country they would want to move to. Mostly I believe people, even me, are spoiled. We have been able to go to grocery stores and buy want we want if we can afford it. We can speak our minds just like spoiled children who do not get their way.

      I do believe the globalist want to destroy America to put it more on an even playing field with the rest of the world. We are too powerful for our own good.

      Now when we are destroyed where with the spoiled brats be then? China will not listen to them whine.

  13. What Chris said above sounds like how it is for the end user. How about a medical doctor who goes to school for years and spends so much money and time on their education? Who would want to go into practice medicine when you have the government telling you what and how to handle your job? I believe it would take away the really good people who want to practice medicine and help people.

    Any government run anything is not run properly in my opinion. It’s not their money. Greed and red tape steps in.