US Reduces Carbon Emissions & Gets No Credit

If you’ve been reading me for long, you know that I like to write about topics that interest me the most. I don’t hesitate to delve into subjects that are political from time to time, especially if the mainstream media is ignoring or distorting them, as they often do.

Today’s commentary falls into that category, although it shouldn’t really. And you’ll definitely want to know about it whether you are a conservative or a liberal. So, let’s get to it.

Based on some recent information I read, I’ve been asking coworkers and friends this question: Which country reduced its greenhouse gas emissions the most last year? The responses I’ve received included: Germany, Canada, Britain, France, India and Japan. The problem is, none of those are the correct answer.

The answer to that question is, the United States. Wow! You’re probably asking, how can this be true? This must be a mistake or “fake news.” Yet the latest world climate report from the BP Statistical Review of World Energy found that in 2017, America reduced its carbon emissions by 0.5%, the most of all major countries.

That’s despite the fact that America never ratified the Kyoto Treaty that commits countries to lower greenhouse gas emissions and was last extended in 2005. We never enacted a carbon tax despite continued efforts by environmental groups.  We don’t have a “cap-and-trade” carbon emission program, which President Obama wanted.

That so-called environmental villain Donald Trump pulled America out of the Paris Climate Accord, which was signed by almost the entire rest of the developed world, as one of his first acts as president. So how is it that America reduced its carbon dioxide emissions last year when most of the rest of the world continued to increase them? You should know.

The figure 0.5% may not sound like much, but greenhouse gas emissions grew internationally last year by even more than in previous years – despite the fact that most developed nations are signers of the Kyoto Treaty and the Paris Climate Accord.  So much for the rest of the world going green!

Our CO2 reduction is even more impressive given that our economy grew by 2.5% last year, up from an anemic 1.6% in 2016. So we had more growth and less pollution – the best of both worlds. The major reason for the reduced pollution levels in the US is the shale oil and gas revolution that is transitioning the world to cheap and clean natural gas for electric power generation.

But I’ll bet that you haven’t seen this accomplishment mentioned in the mainstream media!

The world’s largest producer of carbon dioxide emissions is, of course, China. According to the respected Institute for Energy Research, China produces 28% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions and it continues to grow over time.

Earlier this year, Greenpeace indicated that China’s 2018 carbon emissions were on track to grow at the fastest rate in six years in 2018 and jumped 4% in the 1Q of this year. China’s emissions are not expected to peak until 2030.

The US is in second place at nearly 16%, with India in third place. India saw its carbon emissions increase significantly more than expected last year.

Ironically, much of the rest of the world criticizes the US for not cutting emissions more, all the while they continue increasing their carbon pollution. But the reality is that the US cannot cut CO2 emissions enough to offset the annual increases in China and India alone. Put differently, there is no way to make progress over time on global greenhouse gases without China and India getting on board – which they clearly are not.

This latest data also prove that despite all of the criticism across the globe and in the American media, President Trump was right to pull the US out of the flawed Paris Climate Accord. The fact is, nearly every nation that signed on to the Paris agreement has already violated the agreement. I’ll also bet you haven’t heard that in the mainstream media either.

The bottom line is: The countries in the Paris Climate Accord have broken almost every promise they’ve made, and the nation that hasn’t signed the treaty (the US) is doing more than any other nation to reduce global warming. Yet we continue to be criticized around the world for not doing our “fair share” to save the planet.

This is just another case study on how the left cares far more about good intentions than actual results. Apparently, results don’t matter as long as your heart’s in the right place.

Give me a break. I’m sure glad I didn’t raise my kids that way! So long for today.

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