Category Archives: Uncategorized

Global Debt Binge on the Rise Once Again

Global debt growth is out of control, and that may be causing the world economic slowdown this year. This unprecedented surge in global debt in the last several years leaves us vulnerable to a global recession, a new financial crisis or something even worse. Unfortunately, most people around the world are not aware of this,… Continue Reading

Consumer Confidence: Big Jump in May Despite Trade War

US consumers expect the economy to continue growing at a solid pace this year. The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index unexpectedly jumped to a reading of 134.1 in May, up from 129.2 in April, well above the pre-report consensus. The Expectations Index – based on consumers’ outlook for income, business and jobs this year –… Continue Reading

President Trump Deregulating at a Record Pace

As I have made clear over the last year and a half, Donald Trump is not my favorite president. However, he is doing some really good things when it comes to the economy and deregulating, and he deserves credit for it – but most in the mainstream media criticize him no matter what he does.… Continue Reading

Small Business Optimism Hit Record High In January

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) represents over 325,000 small businesses in all 50 states and is a strong advocate for small company owners around the country. Each month, the NFIB surveys its members to gauge their optimism or pessimism. The NFIB’s “Small Business Optimism Index” soared to a record high in 2017, reaching… Continue Reading

American Life Expectancy Declines 2nd Year in a Row

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced yesterday that US life expectancy fell for the second consecutive year in 2016. This is the first time we’ve seen a multi-year drop in life expectancy in over a half century (1962). According to the report, the average life expectancy fell to 76.1 years for American men and 81.1… Continue Reading